
PLATOSpec science workshop



PLATOSpec science workshop

Conference fee:

We would like to ask you for a conference fee of 1500 CZK. Ideally, if you could pay in cash at Liblice and you would receive immediately an invoice.
If you need to pay via transfer, please contact us at petr.kabath at and we will send you our institutes banking details.


26 July
14:00-14:10 Welcome
14:10-14:40 Kabáth - PLATOSpec a new versatile spectrograph for PLATO mission ground-based support
14:40-15:00 Hatzes - PLATOSpec as a Testbed for Improved Radial Velocity Precision with the Iodine method
15:00-15:20 Brahm - The WINE collaboration: constraining the origin of close-in giant planets
15:20-15:40 Skarka - Variable stars from south
15:40-16:00 Guenther - The importance of stellar flares for planets and their potential habitability
16:00-16:30 - coffee break
16:30-16:50 Markus Roth - TBC
16:50-17:10 Karjalainen - Understanding long-term variations in red giant stars
17:10-17:30 Schaffenroth - Studying hot subdwarfs in binaries
17:30-17:50 Vítková - Platospec's Potential for Multi-Planetary Systems
17:50-18:10 Žák - Spin-orbit alignment of gas giants using HARPS and HARPS-N data
18:10-18:30 Leitzinger - Superflares - a related project and observational examples
19:00 dinner
27 July
08:50-09:10Rafael Brahm - The Ceres+ pipeline
09:10-09:30Marcelo Said Tala Pinto - Physical modeling of PLATOSpec spectrograph
09:30-09:50Balkóová - A comparative RV analysis of an intriguing ultrahot Jupiter-hosting system
09:50-10:10Odert - Flare star observations with the ESO 1.52m telescope - first results
10:10-10:30Abrevaya - The Exo-UV programme: Astrophysics plus biology in the characterization of surface planetary environments
10:30-11:00 - coffee break
11:00-11:20Lipták - New binaries with low mass companions from TESS
11:20-11:40Škoda - The importance of having Platospec data in Virtual Observatory
11:40-12:00Koehler - The RV pipeline VIPER
12:00-12:20Kabáth - PLATOSpec – from the idea to a spectrograph
12:30-12:45Discussion with the chilean ambassador Mr. H. Bascunan
12:45-14:30 - lunch
14:30-14:50Greimel - GrazCam - another finder scope camera
14:50-15:10Angélica María Suárez Díaz - PLATOSpec: From Requirements to Optical Design
15:10-18:00Update on the PLATOSpec progress – Kabath, Vanzi, Pintr and all
conference Dinner
28 July
09:30-10:30Remarks from observing – discussion
10:30-11:00 - coffee
11:00-12:30Remarks from observing – discussion/plan for the PLATOSpec next steps
12:30-12:45Closing remarks


Accommodation will be provided for a fee of 1800-2100 CZK single room/night (w breakfast) and/or 1900-2400 CZK double/night (w breakfast) directly at the castle. We will be able to cover most of the costs like lunches etc., however, for the dinner we would need to collect a decent fee of up to 1500 CZK.
The accommodation will be booked for you according to your registration forms. You do not need to book anything yourself. The payment of the accommodation will be directly in Liblice and card payment is possible.

The workshop is limited to max. 30 particpants. If you are interested to attend, please let me know. Furthermore, please let us know the proposed talk title would you wish to present. We encourage our PhD students to present their research. Please try to focus your talks on the PLATOSpec science fields: stellar physics, exoplanets, instrumentation. The second part will be

Transportation - there is a bus connection from Prague, however, if the majority could come somehow, we can arrange for a limited number of transfer but we confirm later individually with those who would need a transport.

Participation in either scientific and/or progress part is OK.
