Ondrejov Observatory 2-meter Telescope (OND2m) Archive Help

General Description

This facility accesses the Reticon observations from the OND2m. It presents a single screen form which, when "submitted", will query the archive. The search may be restricted by adding various searching conditions (they are AND-ed together) The query results are presented in a tabular form. The user may customize the resulting table's format by selecting which fields to list in the output - simply toggle a field on or off by clicking on the button to the right of the field's label.

By default only the science data (star exposures) is searched, but the calibration exposures may be shown as well by toggle button in the lower part of the form. The default ordering shows the latest exposures first but the similar button can reverse it.

There is also the version of the forms suitable for viewing by the text browsers (e.g. Lynx) but you can use it for producing well formated ASCII file lists from the graphical browsers (e.g. use the "save as text" in Netscape ) " There is a limited number of output rows shown on the screen - the default number may be changed until the built-in limit in the lower part of the query form. You can view more lines by using the paging button on the result form. The result table contains various hypertext links accessing other useful features.

By clicking on the collumn lables links the whole query results (i.e. the paging must be used for more lines) are sorted according to this particular field. The hypertext link in the ID field leads to the other part of the archive systemwhere more useful information about the exposures may be found. The first clik on the ID number presents the full screen information about all the available database fields of the particular exposure. If the case of the scientific exposure (image type is 'S') the display takes some time as the complicated database query is run that finds the the suitable calibrations (comparison arcs, flats, biases) necessary for the data reduction.

In this case the full screen output contains the links to the third result form showing the star with the appropriate calibrations. In all results tables there are the links to preview images of the quick-look pipeline reduced data and if the star was already fully reduced by the staff of Stellar Department, this preview is given as well.

Descriptions of the archive database fields follow. More detailed help on the use of the query form is also available.

Exposure Information

Field Name Description
Target Name The case insensitive name of the star. Wildcards inside the string must be used as in unix regular expresion (  .*   .+   .?     etc.), the leading and trailing wildcards are added automatically (e.g   pHa.*ly   finds   alpha Lyr   )
Exposure ID The unique number of the exposure used as a database primary key . It is assigned chronologically by the data acquisition system.
Observation Date The date of the observation in the form YYYY-MM-DD

Note the necessity of using the exact order and number of digits: 1999-01-03 (not 99-1-3). The exact day must be prepended by the ==. Example: ==1999-03-25 . For the range of dates 1992-01-10..1992-02-01 or the exposures older than certain date < 1993-12-01.

UT Start The UT time of the exposure start in the form HH:MM:SS
Duration The duration of the exposure in seconds
Mid. LJD The local Modified Julian Date of the middle of the exposure
Observers The abbreviations of the name of observers as used in the Stallar Department paper logs.
Photo Count The value of the exposure-meter photomultiplier in megacounts
ADU The maximal value of the exposure level of the frame in analog digital units. As the 12-bit ADC was used in Reticon controller, the maximum value may be 4096.
Mid. HJD The heliocentric Modified Julian Date of the middle of the star exposure. It is not defined for calibrations.
RV Corr. The heliocentric correction of the measured stellar radial velocity in km/s.

Spectrograph Configuration
Field Name Description
Spectral Filter Specifies the spectral correction filter by its number in the carussel.
Dichroic Mirror Specifies the dichroic mirror its ID in the mirror holder
Slit Type The type of slit. At the beginning of Reticon usage the plain slit was used - the number gives it width. Most exposures are, however, done with the image slicers. There are three optimized for red (IS-R), blue (IS-B) and neutral alluminium covered (IS-A)
Grating ID Specifies the internal name of the grating used.
Tilt deg The tilt of the grating - the whole degrees part
Tilt min The tilt of the grating - the angle minutes part

Other Search Specifications
Field Name Description
View science frames only The search is done only on the stellar exposures. The calibrations are ignored
View latest exposures first The output table is ordered according to the descending ID. If off, the ascending order is used.
Return a Maximum Rows Specify the maximum number of rows to return by entering a number in this box.